Learning Module: Billing Practices

Alternative Billing Practices


Coming from a traditional hourly billing model, it can be difficult to imagine a different way of charging for your services apart from by the hour. However, having flexible billing practices are important in a smaller rural setting. The following are some suggestions for you to consider building into the pricing of your services:


Free or low cost notarizing services


Offer free or very low cost flat rate notarizing services. This will encourage that first interaction with potential clients and provide you with an opportunity to assess clients’ legal needs and educate them on the products and services that you can offer.


Flat fee pricing


If you can determine in advance how long it will take you to complete a particular task to produce the legal outcome your client wants, then you can figure out a flat fee to charge that will both compensate you fairly for your time and effort and provide transparency and predictability for your client.


Bundled services/volume discounts


If you are working with a client that can bring back repeat business, then it may be ideal to give them a continued patronage discount. It is win-win – you get more work and business and they get rewarded for their loyalty.


Subscription model


Offer clients capped legal services at a monthly subscription rate. This provides predictability and regularity in costs for small business clients who may not know when a legal issue may or may not arise. You act as a pseudo in house counsel for them at a manageable and predictable cost.


Mixed model


Consider mixing up the billable hour model with that of some other suggestions mentioned above for increased flexibility in meeting different client demands. This could have the effect of encouraging potential clients to come and seek a quote for legal services from you as they know you are flexible in finding an arrangement that works for their needs.

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